Slowest Unkillable Comp out there

Yes, you read that right! It’s the slowest Unkillable comp and this guide will show you how to do it. It involves using a turn meter booster to, as the name may suggest, boost the speeds of your champions to achieve, said Unkillable comp, and this comp will work for Ultra-Nightmare and Nightmare difficulties with changing the speeds on one of your champions. its not full auto from the start, you will have to manual the first turn.
What you need
Its an Unkillable comp, so we need unkillable champions namely the eater of men Maneater and a block damage champion, you can pick any of them, Sir Nicolas is a little more difficult to use as you will need to tell him to use his block damage ability, as he will not use it naturally if he is at high health, Rochard the Tower and Warcaster are your other options. the key to this comp is the turn meter booster and for that you will need the free 30-day login reward of High Khatun or the Legendary that is disguised as a rare Apothecary.
The other 2 champions are your DPS champions with one of them going with a 4:3 ratio speed, you can pick whomever you want just as long as they don’t boost their own turn meter or any of your other champions turn meter with a skill or passive.
With all Unkillable comps speed is the king of all stats, Unkillable comps don’t work if you can’t get the speeds right. Luckily with this comp there is some wiggle room with most of the Champions, and they are as follows.
Maneater: – 255-257
Block Damage Champion: – 214-217
4:3 ratio Champion: – 205-209
DPS: 157-158
Turn meter booster: 130
Maneater – A1, A1, A3.
Tower – A3
Speed boost right away.
Maneater: – 255-257
Block Damage Champion: – 214-217
4:3 ratio Champion: – 214-219 Must be faster that the Block damage champion.
DPS: 157-158
Turn meter booster: 130
Maneater – A1, A1, A3
Tower – A3
Speed boost right away.
Final Notes
As always, there is WAY more range available than shown, but these are generally safe speeds. Do be aware that altering the speeds of one champion may necessitate a change for other champions to keep in tune. USE THE CALCULATOR.
Santa is NOT auto-friendly. In the video he works like a charm, but it’s not 100%, so be aware.
If the run is failing, make sure you check your masteries!
If, you are missing that elusive second maneater for the double maneater comps or a Painkeeper for the budget Unkillable, but you do have a block damage champion. This comp is for you!
Have you built this comp, if so, who do you use as your damage dealers? Are you thinking about building it? Let us know down below, we love hearing from you!