

Unkillable Speed tunes offer the best damage per key for most players requiring far less gear to achieve good results and often instantly unlock 2 key UNM capability. There are plenty of options with a number of Unkillable enabling champions including Demytha, Roschard the Tower and the more frequently used Maneater speed tunes. Below is a complete list of all unkillable compositions.


Fast Tower + Skullcrusher Unkillable with a 4:3 champ to increase damage or debuffs.

Ninja Hellcat Unkillable

Using the original Tower/Skullcrusher Unkillable, but utilizing Helicath to block damage on the clan boss AOE hits and his Shield to prevent dying from the stun. Allows a cleanser or debuff blocker keep your team stun friendly against affinity CB

Slow Hellcat Unkillable

Using the original Tower/Skullcrusher Unkillable, but utilizing Helicath to block damage on the clan boss AOE hits and his Shield to prevent dying from the stun. Allows a cleanser or debuff blocker keep your team stun friendly against affinity CB

Fast Tower Skullcrusher Unkillable

Unkillable team using Roschard The Tower to block damage on the clan boss AOE hits and skullcrusher to tank the stun with his self unkillable.

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