A Girl and Her Turtle
Created by: Pavo
Team Composition
Click on the speeds to see detailed notes for each champion position.
Iron Brago
Preferred Mastery: Warmaster
Relentless Compatible?
Cycle of Magic Compatible?
Lasting Gifts Compatible?
Special Rules
(aka Brogni), must be faster than Lydia
Preferred Mastery: Warmaster
Relentless Compatible?
Cycle of Magic Compatible?
Lasting Gifts Compatible?
Preferred Mastery: Warmaster
Relentless Compatible?
Cycle of Magic Compatible?
Lasting Gifts Compatible?
Preferred Mastery: Warmaster
Relentless Compatible?
Cycle of Magic Compatible?
Lasting Gifts Compatible?
Special Rules
Counter Attacker – must be faster than slowest champ. Faster speeds (like in associated vid) will change turn order.
Iron Brago
Preferred Mastery: Warmaster
Relentless Compatible?
Cycle of Magic Compatible?
Lasting Gifts Compatible?
Special Rules
Increase Def.
Team Composition
Preferred Mastery: Warmaster
Relentless Compatible?
Cycle of Magic Compatible?
Lasting Gifts Compatible?
Special Rules
(aka Brogni), must be faster than Lydia
Preferred Mastery: Warmaster
Relentless Compatible?
Cycle of Magic Compatible?
Lasting Gifts Compatible?
Preferred Mastery: Warmaster
Relentless Compatible?
Cycle of Magic Compatible?
Lasting Gifts Compatible?
Preferred Mastery: Warmaster
Relentless Compatible?
Cycle of Magic Compatible?
Lasting Gifts Compatible?
Special Rules
Counter Attacker – must be faster than slowest champ. Faster speeds (like in associated vid) will change turn order.
Iron Brago
Preferred Mastery: Warmaster
Relentless Compatible?
Cycle of Magic Compatible?
Lasting Gifts Compatible?
Special Rules
Increase Def.
Important Considerations
Super Tanky World Record team utilizing Lydia (or another 30% speed buff on 3 turn CD with no TM boost) and Krisk. With Krisk placing Ally Protection and Extending buffs, Strengthen from Lydia, Shield from Valkyrie and growing those Shield and placing Block Debuffs from Brogni this is one of the tankiest teams possible providing Counter-Attack and staying affinity friendly. It’s designed to have Iron Brago or Valkyrie take the stun (as both will have Ally Protection up for that hit) so some affinity adjustment might need to be made to maximize potential.
- Speeds listed exclude any speed aura. Speed Auras can be used to lower the BUILD SPEEDS.
- Use the calculator to check speeds and take into account any Area Bonuses your account may have.
- Make sure to prioritize all the skills in the Team Setup.
- Full Auto
Speed Ranges:
As with nearly every Speed Tune, there are more speeds that will work than are listed, but these are the ones tested that work best and most consistently for the approved difficulties and affinities. Generally changing the speeds of one champion can change the speeds needed of other champions. Feel free to play around in the calculator to find what works best for your team. There are wider ranges and alternative speeds for just one difficulty.
- 269-271 – Debuff Blocker
- True Speed must be Higher than Lydia
- 268-271 – Lydia
- True Speed must be Lower than Debuff Blocker
- 238-261 – Krisk
- Krisk’s Upper Limit is tied to the Slowest DPS. A faster Krisk requires a faster Slowest Champ.
- 199-219 – DPS / Counter Attack
- True Speed must be Higher than Counter Attack
- 198-218 – DPS / Increase Defense
- True Speed must be Lower than Counter Attack
- 269-271 – Debuff Blocker
Speed Tune Sync:
- UNM tune will sync on turn 4
- NM tune will sync on turn 4
- Brutal tune will sync on turn 4
Skill Set Up:
- UNM / NM / Brutal
- Debuff Blocker: Open A1, then Block Debuff Skill
- Lydia: Open A1, then A2
- Krisk: Open A1, then A2, then A3
- Counter Attack: Open Counter Attack Skill
- Increase Defense: Open Increase Defense skill
- This is a full auto setup when skills are pre-set.
Gear, Masteries, Blessings:
- Gear
- Any sets that don’t affect turn meter or skill timing for anyone.
- No relentless.
- Masteries
- Stick to typical Masteries that won’t affect Turn Meter or skill timing.
- Blessings
- Stick to typical Clan Boss Blessings. ( 1 Brimstone, 1 Cruelty, Remainder Phantom Touch )
Advanced Notes:
- There are a variety of alternate builds with slight tweaks to turn order and speeds, but this version is the easiest to set up and run.
- Designed to have Iron Brago or Valkyrie take the stun (as both will have Ally Protection up for that hit) so some affinity adjustment might need to be made to maximize potential.
- It differs slightly from the video, Valkyrie is at 190 speed, but once in sync runs the same.
- Popular Alternate builds uses these general speeds as a baseline (there’s flexibility), but you’ll need to time skills to stay affinity friendly.
- 268 – Lydia
- 245 – Krisk
- 244 – DPS
- 218 – DPS
- 199 – Cleanser
Community Spotlight
Below you will find content made by the community using this speed tune.