

Demytha is a wonderful block damage champ that also brings increase buff duration. These abilities are incredibly powerful in speed tunes and opens up many opportunities to creative unique and fun speed tunes. Below are the the list of known tunes that include Demytha.

Myth Heir

A full-auto affinity friendly team that uses Demytha's block damage to stay unkillable. Deacon and Seeker push turn meter to keep speeds low, and Heiress cleanses debuffs while bringing a speed buff.

Myth Fu

Myth-Fu is a highly recommended, full-auto speedtune with a high speed 3:1 Demytha while Heiress cleanses the debuffs to make it affinity friendly.

Myth Tower

Utilizing Demytha to block the damage from the stun with Tower or Santa

Myth Deacon

This speed tune is ideal for anyone looking to utilise Demytha in a 2:1 Fully Unkillable Comp without Seeker. It uses Deacon Armstrong and High Khatun to fill Turn Meter and Increase Speed whilst giving 2 spots for damage. Speeds are quite high so will be challenging gear wise.

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