How to get TOP CHEST in Clan Boss

You hear it all the time! this is team will get you the top chest or it will one key/two key or 3 key a difficulty in Clan Boss, but what does that actually mean and how do you do it? well I am going to break it all down for you in this guide.
Understanding Clan Boss
As the name suggests the clan boss, aka the Demon Lord, is a boss in Raid Shadow Legends that your clan fights together collectively bring him down and you do this by using Clan Boss Keys and if you, as a clan, can achieve the required damage for that difficulty you will get double the rewards! Which is always nice. Over a 24-hour period you will have 4 keys, with a maximum of 2 at any one time, they refresh every 6 hours as long as there is space to do so, that means If you don’t fight the Demon Lord, you won’t have the four keys sitting there waiting for you.
What do you need to get the Top Chests?
As you move up the difficulties in the Clan Boss the damage requirements for the top reward on any give stage goes up and so does the Demon Lords defensive and offensive stats mean the fight gets harder and harder.
damage requirements for the top chest
Easy: 1.11 million damage
Normal: 3.63 million damage
Hard: 11.64 million damage
Brutal: 21.69 million damage
Nightmare: 39.16 million damage
Ultra-Nightmare: 70.27 million damage
And as you go up the difficulties the rewards also get much better with the top chest for Ultra Nightmare giving Shards, books and 6 star cruel or immortal gear along with everything else you get from the other chests
Clan boss is undoubtably the best place in Raid Shadow Legends to farm shards and books.
What do you need to get the Top Chests?
As you move up the difficulties in the Clan Boss the damage requirements for the top reward on any give stage goes up and so does the Demon Lords defensive and offensive stats mean the fight gets harder and harder.
damage requirements for the top chest
Easy: 1.11 million damage
Normal: 3.63 million damage
Hard: 11.64 million damage
Brutal: 21.69 million damage
Nightmare: 39.16 million damage
Ultra-Nightmare: 70.27 million damage
And as you go up the difficulties the rewards also get much better with the top chest for Ultra Nightmare giving Shards, books and 6 star cruel or immortal gear along with everything else you get from the other chests
Clan boss is undoubtably the best place in Raid Shadow Legends to farm shards and books.
How to get the damage required
As mentioned above you will need to hit those damage numbers to get the top chests, but what is the best way to do it and the answer is simple, if you can, a Unkillable team with Maneater or a block damage team with Helicath, Demytha etc. there are quite a few of those champions, check our speed tune list for all the champions that can achieve a “Unkillable” team for you. With an Unkillable team you can jump straight to nightmare, and you can probably four key it with not too much trouble.
if you don’t have the luxury of having a “unkillable” champion/s you will need to have a few things to help you stay alive, in a “traditional” clan boss team ally protection is the number one buff to have. With decrease attack coming in a close second. For damage its all about poisons. Poisons are the king of damage here, so if you picked Kael as your starter champion you are sorted for clan boss in the initial stages. Decrease defence and weaken also are great to help you inflict more damage.
Final Notes
There is a wide selection of teams that can be used to achieve the top chests in Raid Shadow Legends and depending on your roster you will be able to find one that suits your account.
The main thing to keep in mind is that to get the top chests in clan boss on ultra nightmare is reserved for end game players and the gear required to achieve the speeds and damage synergy required can take an exceptionally long time to acquire. Even with an Unkillable team, for early/mid game players it can take all four keys. But as your account grows so will your damage.
Do you one key ultra nightmare or do you four key it? what difficulty to do hit, let us know down below, we love hearing from you!