Hydra Clash has started with a Bang!

The 8 competitors are ready for the Hydra Content Creator Clash, the champions are built, and the final selection and fine-tuning is over. It is time to begin the battle. With the seeding complete, we knew who would face each other.
The rules were simple. Each competitor will face off where one will be picked to go first, then the second competitor has to beat the score. If they can, they advance if they can’t, they are out, and the first competitor will advance.
Night One saw 4 of the 8 competitors face off in Round 1
Skratch Vs MTGJedi
First up was the battle of the heavyweight Skratch, the early favourite against the powerhouse that might need the Force to be strong to take down his opponent MTG Jedi
MTGJedi went first, and we quickly realised we were in for a LONG night as MTG has built his team so well, it was basically unkillable. The battle went for an eye watering 49 minute and reaching the turn count limit. What a score from MTG.

The unfortunate thing about this run was that as professed by the man himself, out of the 12 runs he had previously done, this was the lowest total he had got, and we soon found out the reason. Ragash didn’t have the right gear on him, he was missing his savage gloves.
MTGJedi has laid down his score. Can anyone beat it? Well, his opponent was up to the task. Skratch, who is the favourite for the whole competition when he showed us his team. We knew why.

His run was half the time of MTGJedi’s and he comfortably got to MTG’s score. The worrying thing for everyone else in the competition is the run was not done, not by a long shot!
Skratch advances to Round 2!
YST Vs ColdBrew
Next up was “Genzin the kid” YST Vs, the chilliest dude in Greece, ColdBrew
There was not much to say in the buildup for this one. And the result was unfortunately quick in coming.
Coldbrew was up first. It was a long run, and CB had designed the team that way.
but as the infamous saying goes, “Coldbrew got coldbrewed!” the hated 3% came into play and completely ruined the run for him.

YST was up next, and he flew up the damage score. In a mere 19 mins he surpassed ColdBrew’s score.

There is definitely more in the tank for YST.
Nub Raids vs Oddone Gaming
Night two brought out the other 4 competitors: Nub Raids, OddoneGaming, HellHades and our fearless leader, Deadwood Jedi
The First Matchup of the evening was the Romanian Maestro OddOneGaming vs the Irish Ace NubRaids!
OddOne was up first, and he came in with a massive damage score. Everything didn’t go to plan for him, but it was still the 3rd highest score so far in the entire competition.

His Opponent tough is known as the Hydra king and if anyone can beat that score it is NubRaids and with the astute pick of Shamael, knowing the head of Wrath would start in the fight his pick was well founded where he played the long game and with a run of 55 mins he finally out passed OddOnes score.

NubRaids Advances to Round 2
The Final match-up of round 1 saw the Host and Creator of the Competition, DeadwoodJedi lock horns with the most famous raid content creator in the World and reigning, defending two-time clan boss champion of the Wooooorrrrlllldddd, HellHades
Our fearless leader DWJ is first to attack, and as with Coldbrews run our leader got ColdBrew’ed. Scoring the lowest score of the entire round.

With, DWJ’s run one and done it was Maximum damage time for HellHades and surely with a low score like that HellHades had it in the bag!
And he had it in the bag, it took HH just under 21 mins to outscore Deadwood.

There is more to come from HH and that concludes Round 1. Congratulations to all the competitors that advanced to the next round and commiserations to the players who fought valiantly but it just wasn’t their day today!
Round 2 throws up some great matchups, and the competition is really hotting up
Skratch Vs YST
NubRaids Vs HellHades
To watch the Full battles follow the link to Hydra Content Creator Clash Part 1 and Part 2
And to see the full results visit this page here
Who will advance to the final? Who is going to win the Hydra Content Creator Clash? Leave a comment down below, we love hearing from you!