Stun Targetting

Published On: June 6, 2022

Stun Targeting: How it works and what does it do…

There are three words that come to mind when you think of Clan Boss compositions and they are Unkillable, Non-unkillable and Stun target/Slow Boi. The first two words are pretty explanatory, your team is either killable or not killable, but with stun targets, it sounds simple, however, there is a lot of thought behind it. You need to think about speeds, HP, Defence, buffs, debuffs and their ratio between each of your champions. This guide will guide you through what stun targets are and how they work.

What is a Stun Target/Slow Boi?

A Stun Target a champion that is built in a certain way so, they will be targeted for the Stun attack from the Demon lord and can be used to significant effect protecting your weaker champions, dealing more damage or making sure the Stun from the Demon Lord doesn’t go on a certain champion.

The “Slow Boi” is the name for the stun target in your unkillable composition that is built really slow, hence the name, The slow boi is only mainly used for the budget unkillable composition. However, stun targeting is used in many non-unkillable compositions as those teams require you to use a specific champion to be the stun target, for example, Geomancer, whose passive gives massive damage when attacked.

How does the Stun Targeting works?

This is the complicated part as there are so many different components to this. Let’s break it down.

The Clan Boss will target the champion that meets a certain criterion. The way he does this is by selecting the champion that answers yes to a question below, so, he will basically ask himself the following questions and if the answer is no to number one then he will move on to number two and so on until he finds a yes!

  1. Does the champion have low HP/can he one-shot your champion?
  2. Are they negative affinity?
  3. Does the champion have these buffs on them – Increase Defence, Block Damage, Counterattack, or the Steadfast mastery (the Demon lord considers this as a buff, and it avoids it)
  4. Do they have the lowest percentage max HP remaining of all your team?
  5. Are they in the leader position?

One caveat I will mention is that steadfast mastery is not a one-fix-it job. You have to be careful with it as if all or some of your champions have this mastery it will just revert back to one-shot criteria. It is best used on the one champion you do not want to get stunned like Demytha is the Myth Buster composition.

Interestingly enough the Clan Boss does not consider Unkillable or Block Debuffs as part of his criteria

The best tool to use if you are planning on building a budget unkillable Clan Boss team is the Stun target calculator. It can be used for other comps, but it does consider Painkeeper’s heal so keep that in mind,

I hope that helps you understand how stun targeting works in the Clan Boss if you have any questions, please do drop a question or a comment down below, we love hearing from you! And will answer any questions you may have.

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  1. CASEY ROOT June 15, 2022 at 1:43 pm

    I have tried everything, and I can’t see to control the stun. I originally was having the stun hit High Khatun. I have reset all masteries and have Steadfast on Skullcrusher only. The first stun will go to him, but the second one is now hitting Seeker. Any suggestions?

    • RTgamerOG June 18, 2022 at 8:28 pm

      you put steadfast on champions that you DON’T want to take the stun…

  2. CASEY ROOT June 15, 2022 at 4:59 pm

    Figured it out, it’s Seeker’s passive…. :(

  3. CASEY ROOT June 16, 2022 at 12:44 pm

    I am now using Grizzled Jarl to block debuffs and my High Khatun is still getting stunned… What is going on?

    • Thomas Murray July 21, 2022 at 4:11 am

      1. Your Jarl has to be booked so that the debuff protection occurs every 3 turns.
      2. You have to speed tune your Jarl to the 169-172 base speed (before khatun)
      3. You have to set the priority for Jarl’s skills to use Debuff protection 1st

  4. Rickey Crain September 2, 2022 at 6:28 pm

    so if i want my skull crusher to be the stun target in my comp. he needs low HP and high defense?

  5. Johan Boy October 9, 2022 at 7:24 am

    Im using Roschard the tower, helicat,seeker,ninja and Fayne and Fayne is in the lead position and also using her as negative affinity on the boss and boss targets her but after some time around turn 25 or 35 boss hits Tower,not sure why is that happening and she has the lowest HP and deff

    • D Ess October 18, 2022 at 7:22 pm

      I’m not an expert, but as no one else has answered yet and in case you didn’t already figure it out, you really need Maneater in this Comp b/c he places Unkillable AND Block Debuffs before the Stun. If you use Heli & Roschard together there’s no block debuff up during the stun attack and eventually someone will get stunned if the stun target changes (I guess as HP levels fluctuate?) over the course of the fight.

  6. Nikos Panagiwtopoulos October 25, 2022 at 8:15 pm

    im running the “Myth-Seeker” combo with vizier/fayne as dps ,i have the right spds but the stun always goes to high khatun!!
    high khatun 41,6k hp /2,200def/ 256 spd
    demytha 40,2k hp /2,800def/ 276 spd
    seeker 37,5k hp /2,200def/ 182 spd
    vizier 29,3k hp /2,000def/ 169 spd
    fayne 24,2k hp/ 1,500def/ 146 spd

    plz help me!!

  7. Dan Anderson April 17, 2023 at 10:58 am

    Why is this a hidden page? There’s no way to navigate to it from the main page. You have to either know the url or google ‘deadwoodjedi stun targetting.’

    That’s not particularly helpful.

    • Chris Kent July 15, 2023 at 2:57 pm

      ^ As a Web Software Engineer and as a lifelong gamer, I could not agree more!

      It’s not even listed under Guides > Advanced Resources (/guides-tools-and-resources/).

      Please resolve to make this more accessible!

  8. Devin Nissley November 7, 2023 at 9:41 am

    I have built an unkillable comp with skullcrusher and emic trunkheart with doompriest gnut and geomancer as their teammates. Emic(246), skullcrusher(183), geo(178), gnut(177), doompriest(185) is the roster order with speed of each. problem is somewhere like turn 14 or 17 the clan boss will switch from skullcrusher to geo or doompriest for the stun target. its so frustrating because skullcrusher put counterattack on everyone except him and the clan boss is targeting geo or doompriest instead. all three are within one shot range at this point. so it should move to affinity which all are the same affinity. moves onto buffs and each has counterattack except for skullcrusher. why is it targeting one of the other two instead?!

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