Welcome to DeadwoodJedi.com

Clan Boss & Arena Calculator

Welcome to DeadwoodJedi.com. Our site is here to help you get the most out of the time you spend in Raid Shadow Legends.

Start your Raid Journey Today

The Faction Games 2023 is OVER!

Nine Raid: Shadow Legends Creators choose one faction to take into the 2023 Faction Games Contest! Follow all the action – including the draft, Team Standings, Event Result and much more – on the Faction Games 2023 homepage:

Clan Boss and Arena Mastery

The Clan Boss is a core feature in Raid Shadow Legends and every player needs to progress through its stages to maximize the rewards on their account. For over 2 years the DeadwoodJedi team has been helping players achieve the best possible results in the clan boss and arena in Raid Shadow Legends.

Stay up to date with the Meta

Our team works tirelessly to provide you with up-to-date strategies and builds for Clan Boss and Arena in Raid Shadow Legends. If you are just taking your first steps into the game, or if you are a seasoned player, we are here to help you make the most of your account.

  • Wixwell Infinity Clan Boss Team Guide

Wixwell Infinity Clan Boss Team Guide

2024-10-08T10:52:05+00:00October 8, 2024|0 Comments

Step aside Brogni – the Wixwell Infinity Clan Boss team is about to take your crown! Many players were divided over Wixwell’s usefulness initially, but his shield-boosting abilities, coupled with his [Intercept] buff make him a

  • Myth-Fu Destroys the Clan Boss

Myth-Fu Destroys the Clan Boss

2024-10-01T11:21:50+00:00September 29, 2024|0 Comments

Myth-Fu Destroys the Clan Boss and you might be saying it's an old comp but why fix what's not broken? Myth-Fu is a staple composition that can do very well and 1-key the clan

  • The Basics of Hydra

The Basics of Hydra

2024-09-24T09:06:28+00:00September 22, 2024|0 Comments

The Basics of Hydra are quite simple once you play and learn what all the different heads do so today we will jump into the basics of Hydra and try to help you understand